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Safety Critical Solutions

Safety Critical Solutions

Industry-leading safety critical solutions across the UK from Total Safety.

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Total Safety’s Safetek Smart Monitor™ offers real-time integrated technology solutions that maximize worker safety both inside and outside of confined spaces. 


Minimise the risk of vehicle to person collisions.


Our Safetek Smart Monitor™ offers real-time integrated technology solutions that maximize worker safety both inside and outside of confined spaces. Our centralised Confined Space Monitoring (CCSM) solution helps to track atmosphere changes, employee activities, confined space entry access and more all from a central control room.

SafeTek Smart Monitor

Safetek Smart Monitor 

Centralised Confined Space Monitoring (CCSM) is our integrated safety system designed to improve worker safety in confined spaces through real-time monitoring, supervision, and data collection. 

Using Safetek technologies, the control centre continually identifies workers within the space, maintains a visual and a clear line of communication, monitors the atmosphere for toxic or dangerous gases, and delivers appropriate alarms if an incident occurs. Most importantly, data is collected continuously and can be reported on at any time.

Centralised Command Centre 

  • Utilises visualization software to centralise, analyse and report all incoming data through one video recording 

  • Provides continuous oversight of the confined space(s) by trained technicians. 

  • Completes checklists to verify work permits, required personal protective equipment (PPE) and potential atmospheric hazards 

  • Projects clear and visible alarm conditions and status 

  • Receives visual and audible via “pop-ups” in case of incoming calls 


Minimise the risk of vehicle to person collisions. ZoneSafe proximity warning safety solutions reduce the risk of accidents between pedestrian workers, vehicles and assets.

Zone safe
  • Personnel Access Control - a system set up in a specific area and supporting tags act as an access/key device to gain access to the designated area

  • Tagless System option

  • Vehicle Proximity Warning System – where an alarm or flashing light warning sign can warn pedestrians of an oncoming vehicle (for blind spots, corners etc.)

  • Hazard Alert – where forklift drivers are prompted/warned of particular hazards that have been linked to the system (Gases, Oil, Toxic materials etc.)

  • Vehicle to Vehicle Anti Collision – can be used in addition to the car to the pedestrian system or as standalone

  • Insight Data Management – optional extra where all incidents, occurrences and statistics linked to the system are stored in the cloud and accessible online (to help improve company safety culture, assist with audits, company/industry reporting etc.)

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