This course provides participants with the skills and knowledge in using a harness including pre-user inspection of equipment, wearing the harness and correct fitting of associated equipment. On successful completion of this training, participants will be issued with a statement of attendance for Harness Awareness Training. The course involves 75% theory and 25% practical based.
Who Should Attend?
This course is aimed at those people who may be required to: factory workers, Mobile Elevated Working Platform operators, Scissor Lift operators or anybody who wears a safety harness but does not climb.

​Course Duration
This is a 1/2 day course.
Maximum attendees: 12 delegates.
Course Content
To give personnel an understanding of the current legislation and the necessity to have a properly fitted harness, equipment types available and selection for uses including regular checking of its “fit for purpose”.
Hierarchy of risk
General principles of Personal Fall Protection Equipment
Harness and equipment Inspection protocol
Factors to take into account during a Risk Assessment
Buddy Buddy checks
Assessment & Certification
Practical observation
Short answer question paper
Delegates successfully completing the course will be issued with a certification which is valid for 3 years.
This course is designed to provide those attending with an understanding of how to use basic fall arrest techniques and equipment for simple work at height activities.
Who should attend?
This course is aimed at those people who may be required to: Work in a low-risk environment such as garage workshops and factories where access is simple, and anchors are easily identifiable.
Course Duration
This is a ½ day course
Maximum attendees: 12 delegates.

Course Content
To give personnel an understanding of the current legislation and the necessity to have a properly fitted harness, equipment types available and selection for uses including regular checking of its “fit for purpose”.
The dangers of working at height
Key Legislation and Standards
Hazards and Risk Assessment
Hierarchy of Control
Identification of Safe Areas of Work – Permit to Work
Safe working practices
Written assessment
Assessment & Certification
Practical observation
Short answer question paper
Delegates successfully completing the course will be issued with a certification which is valid for 3 years.
To provide a comprehensive understanding of how to use personal fall protection equipment (PFPE) in a range of environments. Gain an understanding of key legislation; understand the various categories of PFPE including its characteristics and limitations. Be able to carry out a simple pre-user inspection of items and understand the need for record keeping, traceability and how to dispose of equipment correctly. Students spend a large amount of time practicing climbing techniques using temporary safety systems, installed and structural anchors.
Who should attend?
This course is aimed at those people who may be required to:
Access and work at height including at unprotected areas
Use a combination of dedicated and in-situ anchors
Traverse and climb at height, moving between anchors remaining attached at all times
Use equipment to partially support themselves (but not rope access) while at height

​Course Duration
This is a 1 day course.
Maximum attendees: 4 delegates.
Assessment & Certification
Practical observation
Short answer question paper
Delegates successfully completing the course will be issued with certification which is valid for 2 years.
Course Content
Health and safety legislation relevant to the country and standards of operation
The dangers of work at height
How to assess the hazards and implement effective control measures
Risk Assessments and Permit to Work Systems
How to fit PFPE, it’s characteristics and limitations
Pre-user inspection, care and disposal requirements for PFPE
Restraint, work positioning and fall arrest techniques
Anchor point selection and checking
Practical climbing on ladders using fixed vertical safety systems
Practical climbing on ladders using fall arrest lanyards
Use of Self Retracting Lifelines
How to recognise and deal with syncope (Suspension Intolerance)
Emergency procedures and planning
Written examination
This training has been developed in conjunction with Gotcha, Skylotec, 3M, Rollgliss, IKAR Rescue equipment depending upon clients' requirements to provide employees and employers a safe, effective and reliable method to perform a rescue of a colleague who has fallen, for example on their fall arrest lanyards from a platform.
Working at Height preferably unless you work from a fixed platform
Medical self-declaration
Who should attend?
The training is addressed to individuals who are performing any activities whilst working at height; these may include scaffold erectors, telecommunications, manufacturing, warehouse, Oil and Gas operators, Network Rail and factory workers or any clients who need to perform a rescue from height.

​Course Duration
This is a 1 day course.
Maximum attendees: 4 delegates.
Assessment & Certification
Practical observation
Short answer question paper
Delegates successfully completing the course will be issued with certification which is valid for 2 years.
Course Content
The participants will obtain knowledge and skills within:
PFPE pre-user inspection and donning – Harness and helmet
Rescue equipment description and specifications
Rescue equipment pre-user inspection
Suspension Intolerance
Safe and correct use of the rescue equipment during rescue situations
Cross Haulage
Stretcher familiarisation
Retrieval block familiarisation
Written Examination
Practical Assessment
The objectives of the Unit 4 Managers and Supervisors Course are that delegates will be able to:
Prepare, plan and organise working at height activities through comprehensive theoretical and practical training. Delegates will complete a working at height assessment, permit and risk assessment following the consideration of the hierarchy of control.
They will gain a greater understanding of hazards and risk, PFPE specifications, legislation, including rescue and emergency procedures.
In addition, the course is developed to ensure delegates get a detailed knowledge of the application of the hierarchy of control and will demonstrate a selection of working at height techniques. Delegates will also gain valuable knowledge in equipment standards, markings, pre-user inspection, documentation, traceability and how to dispose of equipment correctly.

Ideally the delegate has several years' experience within industry and working at height and hold a current Unit 2 – Working at Height certificate
​Course Duration
This is a 1-day course.
Maximum attendees: 8 delegates.
Who Should Attend?
Managers and Supervisors in construction, factories, Network Rail, scaffold erectors, telecommunications, manufacturing, warehouse, Oil and Gas operators and factory workers or any clients who need a greater understanding of working at height and its requirements.
Assessment & Certification
Practical observation
Short answer question paper
Delegates successfully completing the course will be issued with certification which is valid for 3 years.
Course Content
The participants will obtain knowledge and skills within:
Hierarchy of control
Accident statistics
Permit to Work System
Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work
To understand the hazards, risks and control measures available for work at height
To understand the requirements for selection, inspection and examination of all working at height equipment
Safe selection and use of ladders
Safe selection and use of MEWP’s
Work Restraint & Work Positioning
Fall Arrest
Rescue Plan and Emergency procedures
Suspension Intolerance
Practical exercises
Written assessment
The aim of this one-day course is to provide the necessary skills and knowledge to inspect, produce records and safely use portable ladders and step ladders.
Who should attend?
Managers and Supervisors in construction, factories, network rail, scaffold erectors, telecommunications, manufacturing, warehouse, Oil and Gas operators, l and factory workers or any clients who need a greater understanding of working at height and its requirements.

​​Course Duration
This is a 1-day course.
Maximum attendees: 6 delegates.
Assessment & Certification
Practical observation
Short answer question paper
Delegates successfully completing the course will be issued with certification which is valid for 3 years.
Course Content
Legislation and recognised good practice relating to ladders and step ladders
The scope and limitations of ladder and step ladder use
Standards and classifications for ladders and step ladders
Hazards and risks associated with the use of ladders and step ladders
Risk Assessment
Correct storage and handling of ladders and step ladders
Practical inspection of ladders and step ladders
Demonstrate the safe use of pitching and climbing ladders using ladder safety equipment
Demonstrate the safe use of using step ladders
Types of inspection - pre use and formal / programmed
Correct handling, storage, maintenance and disposal requirements
Practical inspection of ladders and step ladders
Record keeping
Practical assessment
Written assessment
Persons attending this course will be provided with necessary information and knowledge required of an inspector of Personal Fall Protection Equipment (PFPE). Training covers legislation, standards, duties and responsibilities, equipment marking, key documentation and resources, record keeping, traceability, types of inspections, equipment examination of textile and metal wear testing, storage and disposal requirements.
On completion of training successful candidates will be able to implement a programme of periodic inspections for equipment used during work at height such as harnesses, lanyards, sling’s, karabiners, helmets, ropes etc.
Who Should Attend?
Those persons responsible for carrying out recorded inspections of PFPE.

A working knowledge of the equipment being inspected would be advantageous.
Course Duration
This is a 1-day course.
Maximum attendees: 10 delegates
Assessment & Certification
Practical observation
Short answer question paper
Delegates successfully completing the course will be issued with certification which is valid for 3 years.
Course Content
Legislation & standards
Duties and responsibilities
Useful documents, forms and resources
CE Marking requirements and testing
Inspection and record keeping procedures
Types of examinations/inspections
Types of equipment – general safety, climbing, rope access, rescue etc
Textile equipment inspection methods
Metal-ware equipment inspection methods
Equipment care/storage/disposal
SRL inspection limitations
Practical assessment
Written Assessment
This course is aimed at those working at height, the course focuses on workmate/contractor rescue from a range of scenarios typically found in the workplace. During training those attending are taught to assess the situation and consider all the available options before attempting to carry out a rescue using a suitable rescue device.
The course is application-based training aimed at those persons responsible for maintaining the essential skills acting as an Initial Response Team Member. Building on skills already taught during previous working at height and rescue training, this course develops and enhances the range of skills required of an Initial Response Team Member. The techniques taught are designed to be simple user friendly and easy to remember whilst not putting the rescuer at risk. Students are taught to lower and raise a casualty, be lowered, or raised, and lower and raise themselves independently using pre-rigged rescue equipment rather than using abseil techniques, training will however cover a range of different scenarios including rescue of a work mate suspended by their climbing equipment, in or out of normal arm reach and conscious or unconscious. It deals with issues such as syncope, equipment care and maintenance of skills. An independent backup system will always be installed. This course will also equip those attending with the necessary skills required to evacuate from a high structures, platform, or equipment during an emergency. Operating from a safe area those attending are taught to connect the equipment to a specified anchor points then using simple user-friendly escape equipment they will then be taught to descend to ground.

Training is carried out using both dedicated rescue and fall arrest harnesses, descenders, and pre-rigged equipment, however customer specific requirements can be catered for.
Delegates must be medically fit with a head for heights and previously attended the working at height and rescue course and complete a medical declaration form.
Who Should Attend?
Those persons responsible for maintaining the safety and undertaking rescue of personnel, who have got themselves into difficult from a variety of structures.
Course Duration
This is a 3 - day course (21 contact hours)
Maximum attendees: 4 delegates.​​
Assessment & Certification
Practical observation
Written Assessment
Delegates successfully completing the course will be issued with certification which is valid for 2 years.
Course Content
Legislation - general requirements for equipment, competency, and rescue.
Hazards, risks, and control measures.
Hierarchy for working at height – Avoid, Prevent and Mitigate.
Restraint, work positioning and fall arrest.
Equipment, inspection, care, and record keeping procedures.
Harness, lanyard, work positioning and helmet familiarisation and standards.
Rescue equipment familiarisation.
Fall factors.
Vertical fall arrest systems – EN353-1.
Temporary vertical fall arrest systems – EN353-2
Rigging - anchor points, knots, working with rescue loads, angles, redirections, rope, and sling protection
Working with stretchers-ridged and folding
Haulage systems – raising and lowering rescuer and casualty using pulley system-V rig and Z rigs, working out loads and forces, identifying key hazards and risk when using these systems.
Leading edge-advanced rescue systems and problem solving.
Utilising specialist equipment such as pre-rigged 4:1 rescue system and Jumar and the Rollgliss R350 rescue device using a 2:1, 3;1 and 5:1 ratio system and or Control Rate Descenders such as IKAR, depending on clients’ requirements.
Tensioned lines.